WOMA (Australia) Pty Ltd is a quality and dependable supplier of Pressure & Vacuum Pumping and Explosion Protection solutions across key industrial sectors; Defence, Infrastructure, Construction, Energy and Resources including Shipping & Marine, Oil, Gas, Petrochemical and Mining. Their talented team of experts offer Engineering, Service & Support, Spares, Accessories, Rental and Training as well as Consultative Services.
WOMA’s innovative industrial solutions include the ability to design using 3 Dimensional Solid Edge Software with additional proficiency in the application of Finite Elemental and Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis. In addition to WOMA’s hazardous environment (ATEX & IECex) solutions, the experienced team offers bespoke and off-the-shelf engineered solutions with remote manipulation and robotic tooling to ensure worker and
operational safety and productivity improvements. Turnkey dependability in hazardous environment solutions are available with applications from fork trucks and hydraulic power packs to air compressors, vacuum systems, high pressure pump systems and engine protection systems & conversions.
Uranium Facility – Solvent Extraction Vessel
Recently, the WOMA team were able to design and supply a robust Explosion Protected remote controlled cleaning solution for a vessel in the solvent extraction (sx) plant within their client’s facility. Requiring no ‘man-entry’, the vehicle was able to execute the required vessel cleaning by application of ultra-high pressure water, mechanical scraping, vacuum extraction and video control methodology.
Typically, the contents of the vessels in question pose a potentially noxious threat to human safety as well as a high volatility threat within the solvent-soaked scale (an impurity from the solvent extraction process) which can exist in the vessel as well as related solvent transfer pipes.
Precise application of WOMA’s ultra-high pressure technologies enabled the removal of hardened external coatings from thin-walled process pipes operating at 140 Deg C.
WOMA’s remotely operated explosion protected vehicle vessel cleaning in a solvent extraction plant negating the requirement for ‘man’ entry.
Petro-Chemical Refinery – Process Pipes
The removal of hardened protective coatings from thin-walled (1.3mm) stainless steel process pipes operating at 140 Degrees Celsius presented a significant integrity inspection and fabric maintenance concern for a major petro-chemical refinery. Understanding that the implications of a process pipe failure were extremely high, WOMA together with its client Veolia embarked upon qualitative research at its Henderson facility in Western Australia during which trials were completed to establish a safe, productive and superior cleaning solution for the on-line process pipes operating at 140 Degrees Celsius. Through the precision application of advanced ultra-high pressure technologies, the WOMA & Veolia team were able to prove a methodology for the client that met all the required performance criteria and provided a superior finish re-exposing the original profile clear of impurities, surface salts and residual coatings.
Precise application of WOMA’s ultra-high pressure technologies enabled the removal of hardened external coatings from thin-walled process pipes operating at 140 Deg C.
Concrete Cancer Reparation – Storage Vessel
Three key ingredients cause concrete cancer – Iron, Water and Oxygen; the process starts when moisture reaches the internal iron reinforcement and combines with the carbon dioxide in the air, forming weak carbonic acid. As this acid forms, it causes the iron to dissolve, allowing water to start breaking down its components – hydrogen and oxygen. This then forms an oxygen and iron bond freeing electrons, creating what is commonly known as rust.
In sewers, storm water management systems, in bridges and civil infrastructure and large water, grain and other vessels of concrete construction, this inevitable process can have catastrophic results, effectively undermining structural integrity and permeability. In the particular example below, WOMA’s Low Flow, Ultra High Pressure water jetting units coupled with specialised manipulator technology enabled the precise removal of affected
concrete to facilitate treatment and recoating of the steel reinforcement prior to the reapplication of concrete. Ultra-High Pressure Water far out-performs any other mechanical, kinetic or abrasive means of selective concrete spalling in that it does not create any vibratory or heat stress in the remainder of the concrete structure but rather enables precise investigative excavation of the affected areas.
WOMA’s success in the practical application of leading edge technology within the industrial market is renowned, and in keeping with that track record, their recent successes outlined above continue to underscore their value as a valuable technological partner for principal asset owners and service contractors alike. Get in touch to discuss your requirements.